Monday, December 18, 2017

A Huge THANK YOU to my Secret Paws!

Hi furiends! It's Cody! Before I get to the "big reveal" of who Secret Paws was and the amazing prezzies that I received, Mom and I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Mom Paula of Sweet Purrfections for all of the hard work she does each and every year matching us with our Secret Paws, giving us shipping tips and so much more! Mom and I have pawticipated in a few Secret Paws, we missed last year and we regretted it, but this year we are back!

When my Secret Paws box arrived I could not wait to get into it!

Everything was so nicely wrapped! I didn't know what to go to first but Mom said it was impawtant to read my card first. She said that is the polite thing to do, that one should ALWAYS read the card first. Mom said how in the world would I know who everything was from if I didn't read the card first? (Mom is actually not that bright cause I could have opened everything and THEN read the card, I still would have known who sent everything...but I digress).

Mom got all teary-eyed because the card I received was personal and they also included Chanukah on the card which Mom thought was extremely thoughtful.
If you look closely you can see who my presents were from, can you see? Wait! I will make sure that you can see!!!
Now you can see it for sure!!!! It was from Real Cats Paisley & Webster from The Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles!!!  I was sooo excited and so happy! I love Paisley & Webster and let me tell ya, they REALLY know how to pawchase the best gifts! (One in particular you will see on a future blog post because Mom wants to devote an entire post to it.). Here are some photos of what I received!
Mom says I was super interested in that adorable stocking and of course the treats! I'm all about treats!
Let's see, there were some cat nip toys, (Mom thinks the blue mouse is adorable), catnip joints (don't worry, I won't inhale....much...) and, after those joints there are TONS AND TONS of cat treats for when I have the munchies!!
See the red blanket that everything is on? That is a really cozy blanket/mat with a pouch to put catnip in! Mom immediately put it on the armrest of the couch where I like to sit when I watch TV with Mom, but she forgot to take a photo. (Hopefully I can have her take a photo soon!)
This is another shot of all my goodies!!! I just might get into those joints on New Years Eve, we will see!!

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Real Cats Paisley and Webster and to their Mom for helping them select these most pawesome prezzies!! Mom and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! You made us both so happy! We love you and we hope the prezzies you get from your Secret Paws are as pawtastic as the ones you got me!

Love, Cody