Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Thank you so much to our Secret Paws!

Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal here.  First of all, thank you so much to Truffle, Brulee and Mom Paula for organizing Secret Paws each year - we love it and we are very grateful that we get to participate, even though we don't have a blog of our own.  

Our tradition is to wait and open our Secret Paws on Christmas and that's what we did this year, too.  It was hard because the package came early and we had to wait a long time to open it.  Our Secret Paws this year were the Celestial Kitties - Glitter, Cashmere and Leo.  We got such great presents from them and we had lots of fun opening everything.


Mal absolutely loved his new mousie as you can see from the pictures.  "I'm picking this gray and pink mousie.  I love my mousie, I love my mousie, I love my mousie!"

Hmmm - this all smells so interesting, Tamar says.  Sniff, sniff, sniff. 

Oooohh - I got a mousie, too!  

"Yup, I love my mousie, I love my mousie!"

"It is so good for snuggling with!"

"Yay!  More jingle balls to bat around!" 

Tamar sitting on some of the presents and Charlemagne deciding that the box is a good place to be.

"So many fun toys!  I really like the springs and I loves me some salmon!"

"Maybe we should open this big one?" 

"I think my present is the box!"

"It's just the right size!"

Such a peaceful picture and then two seconds later, Charlemagne swatted Mal in the head for good measure.

"Look at this cool kitty bed, Mal!"  It's pretty cool, Tamar - who gets it first?" 

"This wrapping paper smells really good."

"What is it that smells so good?"

"Wow, I didn't know I could fit in here!"

"Mom, Tamar looks pretty silly with her head in the wrapping paper.  Maybe she should take it off."

And one final look at all of the wonderful presents we got from Glitter, Cashmere, Leo and Andrea.  Thank you so much for making our Christmouse really special!  

Purrs and scritches,
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal


  1. They were so great and we even got the special kind of treats so that Mal can eat them, too!

  2. These are such wonderful gifts along with the cute accompanying pictures! I like the kitties with their mousies. :)

  3. OH yay! we're so glad you got them and liked them!
