Friday, December 28, 2018

Our Secret Paws Grand Opening - by Peaches & Paprika

Click to play video!!! It's worth the time! 

We were totally delighted by the box and goodies we received which were from AS THE WORLD PURRS.  We took tons of pictures and made a video (above) but also thought we'd post some stills below. Still if you have a couple minutes, the video is more fun!


I, Peaches, was first to receive the box which is of course as it should be!

Dental treats--ny favorite!
One of the goodies was something we'd never heard of before "MEOWIUANA!" You'll find out about it in the video!

stay away paprika till I tell you its okay!

One of my purr-sonal favorites was a red and green tent!  A purrfect way to hide from Peaches! - Paprika the cat
Peaches got into the tent also but I fit the best.  She got very impatient when I was trying it out, saying I'd broken our "Peaches is first" agreement.  I didn't agree to anything!

We then came upon some BLUE MICE in a catnip stocking. Instantly we were in love!
Peaches catnipped at last!

but not least there was the MEOWiUANA. For more about it and our other stuff and  experience, check out the video!
Thanks again AS THE WORLD PURRS for a wonderful afternoon and more!

Love, Peaches, Paprika and Carol

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