Saturday, December 28, 2019

Still a Secret Paws!

Hi everyone! We're so thankful for our Secret Paws present.

But our Secret Paws is still a secret - there wuz a note that said it wuz from "your secret cat pals" and no other clue!

If you were our Secret Paws, please let us know since we'd luv to tell ya thanks! 

We got to open our Secret Paws present Catmas morning. It had come all the way from the Amazon (WOW!) and momma had wrapped it up so it would look pretty under the tree.

Wow, that are one big present!

See, it are still a mystery!

Oh wow, a cozy Best Friends by Sheri cuddly cat bed!

I hopped in it right away - momma couldn't even get the tag off. MOL MOL! We've all been enjoying the bed since, Bowie wuz napping in it this afternoon.

So a big thanks to our Secret Paws, whoever you are!! Headbonks and kitty kisses headed your way!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a super duper bed! You are some lucky kitties fur sure. Wonder who sent it?
